Tuesday 26 January 2016

Cheat Sheet MQ

Create a Queue Manager                    :$ crtmqm REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Delete a Queue Manager                    :$ dltmqm REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Start Queue Manager                        :$ strmqm REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Start QM                                :$ mqsi start REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Stopping QM (Wait)                        :$ endmqm -w REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Stopping QM (Immd)                        :$ endmqm -i REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Start QM(Init Script)                    :$ service ibm.com-WebSphere_MQ start
Stopping QM(Init Script)                :$ service ibm.com-WebSphere_MQ stop
Start MQ Listener                        :$ echo "start LISTENER(SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LISTENER.TCP)" | runmqsc REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Stop MQ Listener                        :$ echo "stop LISTENER(SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LISTENER.TCP)" | runmqsc REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Display QM & Status                        :$ dspmq
Set MQ Privileges                        :$ setmqaut -m REPLACE_QMGR_NAME -t qmgr -p REPLACE_USER REPLACE_PLUS_OR_MINUS_PRIVILEGE
Set MQ Privileges By Groups                :$ setmqaut -m REPLACE_QMGR_NAME -t qmgr -g REPLACE_GROUP REPLACE_PLUS_OR_MINUS_PRIVILEGE
Display MQ Privileges By Users            :$ dspmqaut -m REPLACE_QMGR_NAME -t qmgr -p REPLACE_USER
Display MQ Privileges By Groups            :$ dspmqaut -m REPLACE_QMGR_NAME -t qmgr -g REPLACE_GROUP
Lookup MQ Error Numbers                    :$ mqrc REPLACE_ERROR_NUM
Pop (GET) Messages off a queue            :$ amqsget REPLACE_Q_NAME REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Browse Messages in a queue                :$ amqsbcg REPLACE_Q_NAME REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Open a Queue for writing                :$ amqsput REPLACE_Q_NAME REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Open Websphere MQ CLI                    :$ runmqsc REPLACE_QMGR_NAME
Start Message flow                        :$

Display Listeners of QM                    : dis lsstatus(*)
Display details of specific listener    : dis listener(LS) <--Here LS is the name of Listenre
Display Listener status of a Listener    : display lsstatus(listener_name) 
Start MQ Listener                        : start LISTENER(SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LISTENER.TCP)
Stop MQ Listener                        : stop LISTENER(SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LISTENER.TCP)
Change Listener Port                    : alter listener(LS) trptype(TCP) port(use what ever port is opened)

Display Channel Authentication            :dis qmgr chlauth
Disable Channel Authentication            :alter qmgr chlauth(disabled)
Display All Queues                        :display queue(*)                 - Need to be inside QM to run
Display Specific Queues                    :display queue(REPLACE_Q_NAME)
Display Specific Queuss(Short hand)     :dis q(REPLACE_Q_NAME)
Display Local Queues only (All)            :display qlocal(*)
Display Local Queues (Specific)            :display qlocal(REPLACE_Q_NAME)
Short hand                                :dis ql(REPLACE_Q_NAME)
Display Alias Queues only(All)            :display qalias(*)
Display Specific Queue                    :display qalias(REPLACE_Q_NAME)
Short hand                                :dis qa(REPLACE_Q_NAME)
Display Cluster Queues only(All)        :display qcluster(*)
Specific Queue                            :display qcluster(REPLACE_Q_NAME)
Short hand                                :dis qc(REPLACE_Q_NAME)
Display Channels(All)                    :display channel(*)
Specific Channel                        :display channel(REPLACE_CHANNEL_NAME)
Short hand                                :dis channel(REPLACE_CHANNEL_NAME)
Display Channel Status(All)                :display chstatus(*)
Specific Channel                        :display chstatus(REPLACE_CHANNEL_NAME)
Short hand                                :dis chstatus(REPLACE_CHANNEL_NAME)
Display Local QM Information            :display qmgr
Display Cluster QM Information            :display clusqmgr(REPLACE_CLUSQMGR_NAME)
Show No of I/O hreads open                :display qstatus(REPLACE_Q_NAME) IPPROCS OPPROCS
Find PID of Processes Accessing Queue    :display qstatus(REPLACE_Q_NAME) TYPE(HANDLE) ALL
Refresh Cluster Queue Manager            :refresh cluster(REPLACE_CLUSQMGR_NAME)
Start Channel                            :start channel(REPLACE_CHANNEL_NAME)
Start Message Flow                        :

Navigate to QManage                     : cd /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMGR_NAME (QM Name is case sensitive)
Navigate to Errors folder                : cd /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMGR_NAME/errors

More on : http://bencane.com/2013/04/22/websphere-mq-cheat-sheet-for-system-administrators/

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